My Story

My Story

February 10, 2023 my life changed forever.

You never think it's going to be you! As I am writing this (a year later) I still don't believe I have cancer haha. It's just a word that you hope to never hear at your own doctors appointment. 

I was a young 21 year old about to graduate college and recently married. I had been having some stomach aches and was justifying them to what a normal 21 year old has to deal with that's about to graduate college. I thought it was nothing too concerning - maybe stress. I remember calling my sister and thinking it was mono or a some virus that would go away soon. 

My symptoms persisted. In fact, they got worse. I was leaving class multiple times to use the bathroom, was abnormally tired, and had a hard time concentrating due to my pain. I thought it could be symptoms of my recently placed birth control? 

Then I started seeing blood whenever I used the bathroom. Finally, my husband convinced me to go to the doctor. I had literally never been to a doctors appointment after moving away from the house haha so it seemed like a pain to set one up. But I did. I went to a local clinic and the doctor ended up thinking it was anxiety or stress and maybe ulcerative colitis. She told me to watch it. 

Symptoms kept getting worse so I went back to the doctor and she gave me pills for ulcerative colitis. Nothing happened.

A lot happened in between but I finally got in for a colonoscopy months later and I heard the words I never thought I would hear - "you have cancer."

see life differently now. My perspective has changed. I see the value in time well spent. I want others to see how I see.

This diagnosis has brought a rollercoaster of emotions to our lives, but we’ve learned a lot about life. We’ve learned the value of time and the importance of truly living. We’ve realized the good that exists in the world and that the world needs more of this good.

That’s why we decided to start The Port Studio, a brand and community that inspires people to find connection and hope and to live differently.

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